Monday, July 20, 2015

7. Parted WAYS

   Nothing lasts forever. Nothing stays the same for the rest of its life. EVERYTHING CHANGES. Well, that's life and WE should accept this fact. Changes would keep on happening in our life and we should get used to these changes. Well, let's admit that IT IS VERY HARD TO ADAPT TO A MAJOR CHANGE...

   Graduation, one of the happiest and the most tragic moment that may happen to a student. Happiest? Because that's the reason why we are studying, TO GRADUATE. But graduating at the same time is very tragic because you would leave the school that nurtured you from being a kid to a small adult, and of course, you and your batchmates, friends, bestfriends, acquaintances, and enemies would part ways.

   Parting ways... Hmmmm... We are now small adults, and we would enter the area in which we would experience a slice of real life. College, yes, we're still inside the 4 corners of these schools but yes, we can leave it for a while... It's like a small door opened but leaving the are has limits, compared to highschool that we can't leave those 4 corners.

   Overcoming these "PROBLEMS"(?) * its up to you if you would consider this as a problem or not * well, parting ways with your enemies and terror teachers may be the best part of it, the sad part is that you wont see your friends everyday like you do in high-school. BUT, CONNECTION IS VERY IMPORTANT. Even though you wont see each other everyday, at least you could still talk with them via chat, or text. REAL FRIENDSHIP is very precious, it's a valuable gem because REAL FRIENDSHIP is very hard to find. So, to keep this precious jewel intact, you should take care of it.

   "New School, New Life?", "MOVE FORWARD and forget about the past?" HOW STUPID... Well, why would you forget something important in your life? It's just a stupid excuse because, I guess, you cant handle LDR's (Long Distance Relationships). No matter what happens, dont forget the people you love. They would/should be the ones that would help you get up and guide you. So, don't lose those precious gems that you have.  Even though they are a few, keep them :)

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